Monday, February 9, 2009


Robert and Ashley are doing really well. Here is some basic information as I currently understand it. They are not sure if the kind of leukemia is the same AML that he had before. They did extensive blood tests on Saturday and are awaiting the results for those. Robert had bumps behind his knees and they think they may be pockets of leukemia cells. Robert started chemo last night, and they think this may be the only round he will have to receive in Las Vegas.
He will definitely be receiving another bone marrow transplant, that will happen in Tucson, and that should happen in the next couple months. After his bone marrow transplant Robert had 97% Amanda's marrow, and still 3% of his own. His doctors think that because he never got any graph vs. host disease (rejection symptoms) that the new bone marrow never built up any immunity to his old marrow. So when his cells started mutating they still recognized them as normal. This time around Robert won't take any anti-rejection meds until he has had mild symptoms of graph vs. host disease.
We will be updating daily, and be posting fundraising opportunities. We love you all, and want to thank you for all of your support and prayers.

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